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4-Step Guide to Quantitative Descriptive Research

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4-Step Guide to Quantitative Descriptive Research

By Unimrkt 07/10/2022

The use of quantitative descriptive research methods has gained immense popularity over the past decades, thanks to its appropriateness in many situations. However, you cannot just wake up one day and decide to conduct quantitative market research without understanding the ins and outs of the process. Before hiring any quantitative research firm to conduct international marketing research, it's important to consider your objectives and how to design your research procedure. Here, we'll discuss a 4-step guide to quantitative descriptive research to make things easier for you. Let’s get started.

What is Quantitative Descriptive Research?

As the name suggests, quantitative research aims to gather measurable data to aid the statistical analysis of a sample population. It is a widely used market research instrument that enables market research firms to gather and explain the characteristics of a demographic segment. Methods used in descriptive research help outline the features of the variables being examined. When it comes to the quantitative descriptive research methodology, the emphasis is more on providing answers to "what" questions than "why" questions about a particular study topic. In short, the main goal of descriptive research is to simply explain the characteristics of the demographic sample.

The Approach

When planning to conduct descriptive quantitative research, make sure that you follow the steps mentioned below. It is of utmost importance to design your survey structure appropriately so that it can help you achieve stated research goals.

1. Define respondent characteristics

Your foremost aim while designing a descriptive research campaign should be to frame close-ended questions. Close-ended inquiries can help you obtain specific information about the responders. This, in turn, helps to identify patterns, attributes, and behaviors of the responders. Another advantage of such a practice is that it will help you determine a respondent's attitude or view toward the phenomenon that is the subject of your research. All of this data can enable your firm to make wise and informed business judgments.

2. Measure data trends

The statistical capabilities of a descriptive study design allow researchers to track data trends across time. Think about a clothing company that launches a new line of winter clothing and does research on various demographics, such as age groups from 24-35 and 36-45. If one of those categories doesn't respond well to the new launch, it sheds light on what kinds of clothing people prefer as well as what they don't like. Accordingly, the company can decide whether to continue producing its new clothing line.

3. Conduct comparisons

Descriptive research designs are also used by organizations to determine how various demographic groups react to a particular good or service. For instance, a company may develop a survey with open-ended questions to gauge the perception of the brand. In the same study, you will also find demographic questions like age, income, gender, and location. This consumer research technique aids the company in identifying the components of the brand that are popular with consumers and those that are not. It also aids in the development of new products to serve niche markets with strong growth potential.

4. Validate existing conditions

Descriptive research can be used by researchers to identify the underlying trends and current state of the research item. Researchers watch each variable and do an in-depth study. This can be aided by the use of a non-invasive research approach, quantitative observation, and some types of qualitative observation. It can also be used by researchers to confirm any existing conditions that might be common in a group, which can have a direct impact on the company’s profitability.

Final word

Quantitative descriptive research can provide brands with a comprehensive and logical means to figure out the factors that can help them stand apart from the competition. When looking for proven quantitative market research services, look no further than Unimrkt Research. Unimrkt Research is a leading global market research company with multi-industry research conducted across 90 countries in different languages. We are proud recipients of ESOMAR and ISO certifications, making us your reliable partners when looking to conduct quantitative market research. Call +91-124-424-5210 or email to discuss how our market research services can help grow your project or brand. You may also fill out our contact form, and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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